2019/12至今 澳门新莆京游戏大厅,生命科学学院,生物学,博士后,导师:王勇
2018年至今 澳门新莆京游戏大厅,澳门新莆京游戏大厅,给排水系,讲师
2012/09-2017/12 西安建筑科技大学,环境科学与工程专业,博士研究生,导师:王晓昌、张崇淼
2010/09-2012/06 西安建筑科技大学,市政工程,导师:王晓昌
2006/09-2010/06 西安建筑科技大学,给排水科学与工程,工学学士
1.山东省地矿局山水林田湖草重点实验室开放基金:泰山区域山水林田湖草生态保护评价体系研究,2021.12.21 ~ 2022.12.31, 主持;
2.国家自然科学基金项目(No. 51578441):再生水景观回用中病原微生物污染特征及基于低频度暴露的风险评价研究,2016.01~2019.12,参与;
四、 代表性学术论文
1. Limei Xu#, Zhilin Zhao#, Zhen Yan, Gaoxiang Zhou, Wenming Zhang, Yong Wang*, Xiaochen Li*. Defense pathways of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under silver nanoparticle stress: extracellular biosorption, internalization and antioxidant gene. Chemosphere, 2021.( SCI)
2. Zhen Yan#, Limei Xu#, Wenming Zhang, Yang Gao, Xiaochen Li*. Comparative toxic effects of microplastics and nanoplastics on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: growth inhibition, oxidative stress, and cell morphology. Journal of water process engineering, 2021, 43:102291. ( SCI, 共同一作)
3. Zhilin Zhao#, Limei Xu#, Yong Wang, Bihan Li, Wenming Zhang, Xiaochen Li*, Toxicity mechanism of silver nanoparticles to Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: photosynthesis, oxidative stress, membrane permeability and ultrastructure analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28, 15032–15042. (SCI, 共同一作)
4. Chong-Miao Zhang*, Li-Mei Xu*, Xiao Mou, Huan Xu, Jing Liu, Yan-Hui Miao, Xiaochang C. Wang, Xiaochen Li. Characterization and evolution of antibiotic resistance of Salmonella in municipal wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 251: 109547.(SCI,共同通讯)
5. Limei Xu, Chongmiao Zhang*, Pengcheng Xu, Xiaochang C. Wang*. Mechanisms of ultraviolet disinfection and chlorination of Escherichia coli: culturability, membrane permeability, metabolism, and genetic damage. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018, 65:356-366.(SCI)
6. Chongmiao Zhang*, Limei Xu, Xiaochang C. Wang*, Kai Zhuang, Qiangqiang Liu. Effects of ultraviolet disinfection on antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli from wastewater: inactivation, antibiotic resistance profiles and antibiotic resistance genes. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2017,123(1):295–306.(SCI)
7. Chongmiao Zhang*, Limei Xu, Pengcheng Xu, Xiaochang C. Wang*. Elimination of viruses from domestic wastewater: Requirements and technologies. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2016, 32(4): 69. (SCI)
8. Zheng Ji, Xiaochang C. Wang*, Limei Xu, Chongmiao Zhang, Cheng Rong, Andri Taruna Rachmadi, Mohan Amarasiri, Satoshi Okabe, Naoyuki Funamizu, Daisuke Sano. Fecal source tracking in a wastewater treatment and reclamation system using multiple waterborne Gastroenteritis Viruses. Pathogens 2019, 8, 170. (SCI)
9. Zheng Ji, Xiaochang C. Wang*, Limei Xu, Chongmiao Zhang, Funamizu, N., Okabe, S., Sano, D. Estimation of contamination sources of human enteroviruses in a wastewater treatment and reclamation system by PCR–DGGE. Food and environmental virology 2014, 6(2), 99-109. (SCI)
10. Jinhong Zhou, Xiaochang C. Wang*, Zheng Ji, Limei Xu, Zhenzhen Yu. Source identification of bacterial and viral pathogens and their survival/fading in the process of wastewater treatment, reclamation, and environmental reuse. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2015, 31(1), 109-120. (SCI)
11.徐丽梅, 许鹏程, 张崇淼*, 王晓昌*. 紫外线消毒对E. coli的损伤及复苏的研究. 中国环境科学, 2017, 37(7):2639–2645.(EI)
12.徐丽梅, 张崇淼*, 王晓昌*, 吉铮, 周进宏. 紫外线和次氯酸钠对Escherichia coli和Poliovirus的消毒作用. 环境科学, 2017,38(5):1928–1935. (EI)
13. 徐丽梅, 王晓昌*, 周进宏, 吉铮, 张崇淼. 水中抑制物对定量PCR与膜过滤法检测E. coli的影响. 环境工程学报, 2015, 9(2):609–614. (CSCD)
14. 徐丽梅, 王晓昌*, 周进宏, 徐丽华, 吉铮, 张崇淼. 水中肠道病毒检测方法的分析评价. 环境工程学报, 2016,10(2): 978–984. (CSCD)
15. 张崇淼*, 牛全睿, 徐丽梅, 王陇梅, 王岱, 武少华. 膨胀污泥中丝状菌的分离鉴定与特性分析. 环境科学,2017 (6). (EI)
Email: Xulimei@sdau.edu.cn;